John Trevor

Music helps to be your best self in an interview

music relax

It can be difficult to find a job that meets all your needs. Competitive, skilled, positive, and mindful are all essential qualities. You can’t be optimistic or mindful when you are under pressure to find the right job.

Your performance is directly related to how well you take care of your mental health. One can lose their very self in the process. It is important to go back to the blackboard every once in awhile to find yourself in this cycle.

Music can help you get back to yourself. Music can be a great tool for balancing stress and showing your best self. Music can awaken you from your deep sleep. I will be discussing how music can help improve your mental health.

Music can help you get back to the Present

Humans spend a lot of time worrying about the future and past rather than the present. When the default mode network, a subsystem in the brain, is active, this happens. It can lead to anxious thoughts and stress, but evolutionarily it has many benefits. To learn from past mistakes, we spend a lot of time reflecting on them and to plan for the future. To engage with reality, music forces us to be present-centered.

Music can help you deal with your past

Because of another evolutionary adaptation, negativity bias, a lot of our ruminating focuses on the past and future. It is both mentally and emotionally taxing. According to psychologist Daniel T Gilbert (author of Stumbling on Happiness), mind-wandering was closely associated with unhappiness in a Harvard study. Matthew Killingsworth, his co-author, stated that “a human mind can wander, and a wandering mindset is unhappiness.” Music activates the default mode network and also primes the brain to feel empathy. Empathy can help you overcome your limitations.

Music during emotional trauma

You might have experienced rejections after rejections. Emotional trauma could be a possibility. The brain produces a powerful cocktail of neurochemicals that can help us cope with the emotional trauma. After the song ends, and the fake-trauma as well, our brains are left with all the neurochemicals. It is like a warm, fuzzy opiate bath for the brain. No prescriptions!

Music during times of regret

Music can also help us get through difficult emotional times. There has been a time when we have sat down and felt self-pity, listening to Nick Drake’s sad musi-tragedies. It’s common to reach for the song that lifts us up, but it’s not uncommon to find ourselves drawn to dark, dramatic music when we feel down. When we are already feeling very shaky, why would we do this to ourselves? Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher, put it perfectly: “The inexpressible depth and beauty of music, so simple to understand but so inexplicable is because it reproduces all of the emotions of our innermost being but completely without reality and distant from its pain.”

10 Things to Do before an Interview


There are no magic formulas that will explain how you feel during an interview. These are not foolproof strategies that will make you an instant success. It isn’t easy, I know. Some strategies can help boost brain activity and improve metal health. These strategies can be used to improve our behavior or monitor it.

Here are 10 ways to get rid of your interview nerves.

Prepare for common questions by doing research

Research the company, their interview process, and the types of questions they like to ask. Use sites such as Glassdoor to research. It is a best practice answering these questions as well as other interview questions such “Tell us about yourself” or “Tell us about a time when. The key to answering these questions is not to memorize them.

Prepare for worst case Scenario

You prepare for the worst case scenario in his 1948 book “How to Stop Worrying And Start Living.” This strategy is based on an example from Willis Carrier who was the founder of modern air-conditioning.

Dry run

Commute to your interview location one week prior to your scheduled time. This will allow you to get to know the route well and plan your travel time accordingly.

Take a snack on the way!

Reducing your caffeine intake by half on the day of your interview in order to avoid jitters. She also suggests eating natural beta-blockers such as bananas, almonds and oatmeal. These foods can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and slow down your heart rate.

Meditate Consciously

You don’t need to be a yogi in order to benefit from meditation before an important interview. Meditation can be as easy as closing your eyes and taking slow deep breaths. Then, visualize yourself crushing the interview.

Listen to Music every now and then

From research, it is well documented that music releases dopamine and other happy hormones. One will reach a state of free flow with the right kind of music. So never forget to listen to the music of your liking. This will help you not only to be your best self but also it tackles the nervousness built upon before the interview.

Try a power pose

You might consider doing a power pose, which calls a ducking in the toilet before you go to interview.

You are your best friend

Although pep talks are common in locker rooms, they can be very useful just before going to a job interview. Be sure to keep your talk out of the earshots of others.

Admit you’re nervousness

It can make things worse if you are nervous about an interview.

Do not be too quick

Be interested and not just interesting. You will find it easier to navigate the discussion, as you are less likely to get lost in your own thoughts.

Top tunes to listen before the interview


Music can help you change your mentality and mindset. Many people feel anxious, stressed, or even have panic attacks as soon as they walk into a job interview. Music can help you relax, boost your confidence, and give you a lift of energy. Here are the Top 10 songs you can jam out to.

  1. Don’t stop me now – Queen

There are so many positive words that can help you shift your outlook. You’re a race car, a shooting star or a tiger and ready to tackle the job interview. The simple words, “Don’t stop me now cause I am having fun”, will change the way you view the interview. It’s going to be a great time and you won’t let anyone stop you from landing the job.

  1. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor

Everyone hears this song and thinks of “Rocky,” a movie about a fictional boxer who strives to beat Creed.

You are the one who falls on hard times but perseveres because you believe in your ability to survive. It is about more than just survival instincts. It’s about living your dream. You have to fight for it, and that fight is the job interview.

  1. Keep believing – Journey

Ok. It’s a song about two people meeting and falling in love. You can also think of it like you and the job interview you want so badly. The title, “Don’t Stop Believing”, is the best place to focus. Believe in yourself. The job and you are compatible. Both of you are curious about one another. Keep believing in yourself, and keep that feeling going during the interview.

  1. Titanium – David Guetta ft. Sia

This song gives you the power to feel invincible. Through trials and tribulations you go, but no matter how many bullets you receive, they don’t make you weaker. You stand up again, and the bullets start ricocheting from your bulletproof vest. Why? Your bulletproof vest is made of titanium. Do not let people or words define you. Be superman at that interview. Allow them to ask questions, even negative ones. Turn it around and make it positive.

  1. Stronger – Kanye West

Perhaps the lyrics are not meant to be taken literally. The pop beat is just one part of what makes this song a great pump song. The song is about how even if you make mistakes in a job interview, it will only make your character stronger. It is a song that can boost your self-confidence, but Kayne West’s arrogance should not be displayed in an interview.

  1. Queen: We Will Rock You

This song can be heard at almost any sporting event: American football, European football, you name it. What is the reason for this? This song gets you physically involved. This is a simple song, but it’s a great song to let the world know that you are awesome at everything, even your job. They will be amazed at your talent!

  1. Eminem – Till I Collapse

Sometimes you may feel discouraged. It is possible to apply for many jobs, and feel discouraged if you are rejected multiple times. You don’t want to give in. You just have to find the inner strength to keep going and not give in. Keep going until you get the job or your dream job. Listen to music before you go to a job interview. Eminem says it best in this song: “Music is magic, there’s a feeling you get. When you’re real, you spit, and people feel your shit. This is your moment, and every minute you spittin’, try to hold on to it ’cause it may never happen again!

  1. The Flying Wheelchair (jig) Irish Fiddle

This song will lift you up. It’s simple, but it’s great. This tells us to never give up because we are the best. Because you are able to be great, and only you can say this. You have the endurance. This is possible. Why? Because you worked hard to get there, you are the best. It’s that simple.

  1. We Are the Champions – Queen

After hearing the Queen song “We will Rock you”, you’ll be compelled to listen to “We are the Champions”. It’s a beautiful song about acknowledging the mistakes of the past, but still being a champion. Why? You are proud of the results of your efforts. You were invited to interview for a job. You want to thank your loved ones for their love and support over the years. You will still need to work hard to achieve your goal. You will win the race, and you will be the champion of all champions.

  1. Eminem – Lose Yourself

Although the soundtrack to “8 Mile” is powerful, this song stands out. This song can give you anxiety, or help you get in the right frame of mind for the job interview. This job interview is your chance to get the job. The song can be applied to job interviews. It is normal to be nervous before a job interview. Despite your nervousness, you can appear calm and prepared even though your inner turmoil is causing you to shake. You may choke. You might fail. You might fail. But, you’ll get up again because failure isn’t an option. What is the best way to win? You can win by following the music and the moment.

Which do you think? Which songs are you listening to to boost your confidence in job interviews?

Checklist for an Online interview

online job checklist


Though this is not the comprehensive list. Through this article, I have tried to jot down a few points that would help you to get through the online interview. I suggest to use this checklist to ensure the personal interview experience is not lost during this era of never ending online interviews 

Eye contact is essential. Look straight at the camera. Don’t look at the screen directly. It will appear as though you are making eye contact with your partner when you are too far away from the camera. You will also be able see their facial expressions.

Before answering, repeat the question. Online confusion can easily arise.

Answer the same way as usual and keep in mind the STARR method.

Ask questions. Ask questions about, for example, the job description or how the organization deals with the current situation relating to the coronavirus.

Ask about the next steps and what a possible induction period would look like during a coronavirus crisis at the end of your interview.

During the interview

Do not use the speakerphone

Do not eat, chew gum or drink too much water.

If you have to cough, sneeze or wipe your nose, say “pardon me” and turn off your microphone.

Keep your answers brief (less than 90 seconds).

Express yourself with your voice and face

Focus on the camera and not the screen.

If there are technology problems, remain calm